PC Science Olympiad Home Page




Event Information And Schedule

Sign-up for Events

GA and PC Specific Event Rules

Quiz Bowl





Team Registration

Team Forms




Eye Protection

Electronic Devices

PC Computers

Campus Cafe

Frequently Asked Questions

Event Results and Information from previous years tournaments



Tournament Directors

Event Supervisors




Georgia Science Olympiad Site

National Science Olympiad Site

Mark Hollier's homepage




Written Policies

Minors on Campus

PC Clarkston Campus Map

About PC

PC Homepage

Announcements for the 2024 PC Science Olympiad.

Check this page regularly for updates, as all updates and information are posted here for team coach's. Announcements will NOT be emailed. It is the responsibility of the coach to check for updates and information.

03/19/24: Rankings for Science in the news event is now on the resutls page.These results should have been announced at the end of the Science in the news event (before the awards ceremony), but with the late scoring of some events this somehow got missed.

03/03/24: Top ten teams were posted to the results page.

03/02/24: Result sheets were emailed to Head Coaches. State Invites ewere emailed to Head Coaches that did not attend the awards ceremony.

02/29/24: If you want / need to drop off your team close to the base camp location (CN building), then please use Lot 2 as the drop off point. It is recommended that buses park in lots 5 or 3. Lot 6 is a backup if lots 5 and 3 are full. Here is the campus map for bus parking.

02/27/24: The following are Wednesday 02/28/24 at 11:59pm:

02/26/24: Less than a week away! Many schools still have not uploaded the team forms (acknowledgement form and roster excel file). These are required for you to come on campus!!! The due date for these is 02/28/24 at 11:59pm.

02/26/24: Bus drivers have rooms in the A building (CA-1410 and CA-1411) as a hangout. They are welcome to visit the cafeteria and walk around as well. Restrooms in A building are on the corridor with a small door to the outside when standing in the atrium area with the seating. Bus drivers can also sit in the atrium if they prefer.

02/18/24: The impound events are Air Trajectory, Robot Tour, and Scrambler. The informaton indicating Air Trajectory as an impund event had been cut off for that row in the schedule. That is now fixed.

02/17/24: 9am time slot for Air trajectory has been added as only 1 time slot was left for teams that have not signed up already.

02/16/24: Please remember to complete the one page acknowledgement form (signed by the Head Coach and School Principal) and team roster (please submit it as the excel file). Both forms are psotd on the team info page. These are due 02/28/24 by 11:59pm and should be upladoed to the SciLympiad site. As a reminder, there are no individual competitor firms to be completed.

02/16/24: Event information page has been updatd with room locations for the events. The buildings on the map and some on campus have two letters. The first letter if it has two letters is C for Clarkston campus and the second letter is the building letter.

02/02/24: An updated school team roster / demographics file has been provided by the State Directors and is available on the team forms page. Please complete this new one and uplaod to the SciLympiad site.

02/02/24: Time for registration / check-in, science in the news trial event, and the awards ceremony have been added to the event information page.

02/02/24: We are still working on room locations for events. We will have a room for school bus drivers to hang out in (seats, tables, and power sockets), we jsut don't know which one yet until the room locations for events are finalized.

01/28/24: The Cafe menu is now available (also linked under FAQs).

01/27/24: An announcement regarding minors on campus: Coaches/team chaperones are responsible for supervising the minor participants the entire time they are on campus. Accordingly, coaches/team chaperones are responsible for addressing any participant medical issue, safety issue, or behavior issue. Georgia State is not responsible for supervision of the participants.
This information has been updated on the Team Coaches form that is required to be signed (on the team forms page). Please ensure the Team Coach and Principal sign this current version.

01/27/24: We are still working on room locations and will update that information on the event information and schedule page when we have it finalized. The awards ceremony will be after "Science in the news" trial event. We are working on the time for both the Science in the news event and awards ceremony. We want to make the trial event have sufficient time, time to change over to the awards ceremony, and not have you sitting around for much time waiting between these. The information will be posted ont he even information and schedule apge when we have it finalized.

01/07/24: Welcome email has been sent to team coaches. This will be the only email with information, announcements, etc. sent. Further announcements and any changes to any information will be made through the PC Science Olympiad event website. Checking for announcements, changes, and/or updates is your responsibility. No further emails will be sent for announcements, changes, etc., so please check this website regularly. If you have any questions / concerns, please email Mark Hollier (mhollier@gsu.edu).

01/07/24: Information for 3 device signups has been added to the bottom of the schedule posted on the event information and schedue page.

01/07/24: Information for 3 events:
Air Trajectory: A single setup will be used. Additional time slots between 9am and 10am will be added only when all other slots are full. If the 9am slot fills up, then a 3pm slot will be added.
Flight: Two flight areas will be running simultaneously. Additional time slots between 9am and 10am will be added only when all other slots are full.
Robot Tour: Two robot tour areas will be running simultaneously. Additional time slots between 9am and 10am will be added only when all other slots are full.

01/06/24: Two forms are required to be completed by team Coaches and are available on the Team Forms page. One is an acknowledgement form for the School (no more Minors on Campus forms per student, just this one signed by team Coaches) and the other is the demographics information for each team that ar required by the State Directors.

01/06/24: The singup site will be available on February 01, 2024 (02/01/24) at 7:00pm. It will close on February 28, 2024 (02/28/24) at 11:59pm. The signup page has more information that you need to read before the signup period and take into account while signing up. The signup site is the website provided through the State of Georgia Science Olympiad organization for online signup. The login for this site is here. The team swap option is only available during this same time period. A file for directions on how Team Coaches signup for events on the SciLympiad site when the signup opens is at the bottom of the Signup page.

01/06/24: The room assignments will be made in February. Georgia State University will not allow us to book rooms until a couple of weeks after classes have started for the semester. When they are confirmed, the locations will be added to the schedule.

01/06/24: The deadline for FAQs and Clarifications on rules from team coaches is 02/13/24.

11/19/23: The schedule is now available on the event information page. This should not change, but it is still considered tentative.

11/19/23: We are replacing the quiz bowl with an event created by the State Directors. It is Science in the News and information is on the "Quiz Bowl" page.

11/05/23: We hope to have our schedule of events for the day finalized and posted before thanksgiving. Keep an eye out for another announcement!

11/05/23: We are already working hard to prepare for this event, as I am sure you are also. If you know now that you will have any students with physical disabilities, please advise us now before we begin scheduling rooms for the events. Please note that we may not offer all (or any) of the trial events, depending upon the availability of personnel and rooms, since these are not required events. This will be decided as we develop the final schedule and you will be advised of our decision. The rules for the trial events may be found on the national web site.

11/05/23: Photographs of the gym are available here. We will be updating the gym page in early January as our event will be slightly different due to increasing the number of teams we are hosting (an announcement will be psoted when this is done). Information relating to electronic devices is here. Information relating to eye protection is here. Information relating to computers at Perimeter College is here. Information on Written Policies used at Perimeter College for our event are here.

11/05/23: Definitions of electronic devices and calculators is available on the Electronic Devices page. The definitions of calculators on this page will be used for all events according to how it is worded in the event descriptions provided by the National Science Olympiad Organization.

08/14/23: An updated information file for Team Coaches and potential Team Coaches (we always welcome new Schools to join Science Olympiad) about this Seasons Science Olympiad is available on the team registration page. Registration for this years Science Olympiad is open now.

08/02/22: We are delighted to announce that we have been granted an exemption from the Minors on Campus policy for our Science Olympiad event. With this exemption, we will not be collecting any forms per students as we have been required to do for the past several years. However, we are requiring Team Coaches and the School Principal to sign one form that covers all teams / competitors from their School. The form is located here. The form is to be emailed to mhollier@gsu.edu no later than 2 weeks prior to the event date.