Starting the course
At the start of the semester, you need to do the following within the first week of the course. I expect that you will do these on the first day of classes so that you are prepared for the classes during the first week.
- Watch the student orientation video and perform a system check. These are on the login page for iCollege BEFORE you click “CampusID Login”.
- Read the syllabus and schedule.
- Read the cheating and plagiarism module.
- Complete the following quizzes (these have unlimited attempts; you must score 100% on each quiz for all other content in iCollege to be released to you). You can have the syllabus and schedule open when taking these quizzes. All of these “start of the semester quizzes” are due by the end of roll verification (due date will be listed in the class schedule). However, you will not be able to complete any course work until you have completed all of these start of the semester quizzes. The sooner you pass them, the sooner you can start learning.
- Syllabus quiz
- Roll verification quiz (online classes only)
- Roll verification for on campus (face-to-face) classes can only be performed in the classroom with a signature on a piece of paper (see Roll verification policy in this syllabus)
- Cheating and plagiarism quiz
- Success in this course quiz
- Lockdown Browser quiz
- Menu bar navigation in the iCollege site:
- Content:
- Course materials are sorted in content folders by chapters / exercises.
- Content folders are released on the Friday of the prior week.
- Content folders contain course materials provided by Dr Hollier for the course (see the “Course Materials in iCollege” section in this syllabus). If fill-in-the-blank notes are provided, it is recommend that you print them out and bring them to class or use while watching recording lectures (if available).
- The “Course Information Files” folder contains files relevant to the course as a whole or not tied to specific content folders.
- Announcements:
- Announcements are posted here as and when they occur.
- Check this a minimum of once per week.
- Dr Hollier may or may not remember to make announcements in the classroom for face-to-face classes.
- Email:
- To send Dr Hollier an email, click “Compose”, then “Address Book”, find “Hollier, Mark” in the list and check the box, then click the blue “To” word.
- You will now see “Mark Hollier” is listed in the To Recipient list. Then click “Add Recipients”.
- Type your email in the “Body” box. Click “Send”.
- Discussions:
- Discussion boards (online classes), signing up for extra credit topics, posting an introduction, forming study groups, and asking questions in general is done here.
- Webex:
- Click this Webex button to attend Tutoring hours listed as on Webex.
- You will be taken to a login page where you will have to enter your name and GSU email address.
- Check Dr Hollier’s Tutoring and Advising times for when Webex is available (first page of syllabus or top of one page class schedule).
- Quizzes:
- All quizzes, exams, and tests are accessed through the button. When they are available (according to the class schedule), you will see them here.
- Assignments:
- Any assignments that are listed as being uploaded on iCollege are done through this option.
- Grades:
- Grades for assignments submitted on iCollege are available here.
- Grades for assignments on Turnitin are available on Turnitin (they will not be posted here).
- Using the discussions tab, open the introductions topic and post a brief introduction about yourself.
- Check the class schedule for what will be covered each class and assignment due dates / release dates. It is highly recommended that you print the one page schedule to keep you on track. This one page schedule lists all class assignments with what they cover and when they are available.
- Read the sections in the syllabus on “Success in College classes” and “How to study for classes”. Create your weekly plan immediately.
Important notes:
- All quizzes and tests in iCollege are accessed by using the “Quizzes” button in the menu bar.
- Turnitin is used through the assignments tab in iCollege.
- Online tests and assignments are open book, unless specifically stated as closed book in the syllabus and/or class schedule. In-class assignments are closed book (no resources of any kind), unless specifically stated as open book in the syllabus and/or class schedule.
- The MultiSelect questions on lecture tests come from one of two places: (i) Materials provided in iCollege (lectures, fill-in-the-blank notes, etc.) and (ii) the course textbook. The majority (about two thirds of the questions) come from the Materials provided in iCollege. Looking at questions students have queried, I find myself writing back with specific page numbers as to where the information was located in the materials in iCollege.
- Students are expected to log into iCollege at a minimum of once per week and must check announcements / emails / discussion postings. The icons indicating new items are not always reliable, so actually checking each part is required. If you sent an email to Dr Hollier and are expecting a reply, you are expected to check daily until receive a reply.
- During the “roll verification” period, students MUST complete the roll verification requirements (sign roll verification sheet for in-class courses and a quiz in iCollege for online classes) and complete the syllabus quiz in iCollege (both scoring 100%). These MUST be completed by the end of roll verification (due date will be listed in the class schedule). Failure to complete the syllabus quiz and roll verification by this point will result in the student being entered as never attended / participated. This will result in the student being removed from the course due to Science class safety reasons. Sending the email requesting the extension on the last day of roll verification may result in Dr Hollier not seeing the email in time to open them for the student. In this case, the student will be entered as never attended. The fault was with the student for not requesting the extension at an earlier time, and more specifically, for not taking the quizzes during the period when they are open.
- Science class instructors will not be performing any faculty initiated withdrawals from classes after the roll verification is completed. It is the students’ responsibility to withdraw from classes and to complete all of the required forms for withdrawals. If you stop attending class AND do not withdraw from class, then you will be given a course grade based on work you completed and zero grades for assignments you did not complete.
- Registering late for a class, regardless of the reason, is the student’s choice. Any work missed during the first week of class due to late registration falls under the requesting extensions policies. It is the student’s responsibility to contact Dr Hollier using the email system in iCollege to request any extensions if they register late, including, but not limited to, the start of the semester quizzes. Dr Hollier will NOT email students to let them know that they have not completed work. Ensuring work is completed is the student’s responsibility alone. Some items can be extended and some cannot be extended (see the requesting extensions course policies). Catching up is the student’s responsibility. Missing the first week of class is not recommended as it puts the student at a disadvantage, often resulting in the student being behind the rest of the semester and performing poorly overall. In this situation, it may be better for the student to drop the class (in the add/drop period) or withdrawing (in the withdrawal period) and taking the course in a future semester. This is the student’s decision and responsibility to do whatever they decide. If a student registers late, then any classes that were held prior to when they registered will be considered missed classes. These will count as unexcused missed classes in relation to the attendance policy. Registering late was the students choice.
- Make a note of when iCollege will not be available due to scheduled maintenance (Maintenance Schedule). This is on the login page for iCollege BEFORE you click “CampusID Login”. If quizzes and/or assignments are due during this time, then it is your responsibility to have checked the maintenance schedule and planned to take the quizzes / assignments before that time starts.